Saturday, July 23, 2011

Beginning of day 1!

Well here we go!

My good friend Big John told me that I needed to watch the documentary "Fat, sick and nearly dead"

I definitely recommend that anyone wanting to change something in their life health wise should take a look at that video!

I woke up this afternoon and after watching the documentary I took my happy ass to Publix and spent almost $100 on fruits and vegetables, I am actually pretty terrified after preparing my first juice "meal" I am not feeling any better about this endeavour.


  1. Well I had my second "meal" and while I will never say it tasted amazing it wasn't nasty either.
    I had my wife take some measurements and there is a calendar on the wall. I made a 15 day promise with my roomate, and we shook on it so I'm pretty much in this for the long haul now. Temptation definitely didn't wait on poking its nasty head out! During this second "meal" I got to smell the wonderful aroma of roasted pork and chocolate cake for dessert.

    This is gonna be soooo fun :-(

  2. You got this! I am going to jump on board as well.

  3. I had a pretty serious headache for awhile but its gone away. I'm pretty damn hungry, but it bearable

  4. Just finished my last juice for the night. I am feeling kind of hungry but a lot better, first day down!
