Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 9

Well ladies and gents! I made until day 8 and I just could not handle one more day of juicing!

I have had several really good talks with my wife and friends and I have decided to make some healthy lifestyle changes including exercise and diet changes. I am still going to eat good food but I will be choosing to make healthier choices everyday.

For all of you who supported me and have been there for me THANK YOU!

I could not stand drinking one more of those juices to save my life!

I am sorry if any of you are disappointed in me but this isn't for anyone else but me!


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 8>>>

After having some juice this morning I didn't think I was going to make it, I knew I had to eat something that didn't taste like ground up mother nature or I was going to go insane!


I crushed up some tomatoes, added some garlic, onions and herbs and heated it up.

They where all fresh ingredients and had the consistency of juice but it was HOT and tasted like absolute heaven!

I thought I was going to feel like I cheated but I don't, that one small bowl of "soup" is going to help me get through the next 7 days!

Until the next juice!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 7 Almost Half Way There!

Well I am in a way better mood than I have been. I had a really good talk with a close friend about what the future plans are after this fast. I am pretty happy on my progress I am %100 sure that I will be able to finish my 15 days. The hunger is still there it just isnt as demanding. I had a bright idea when I woke up to make and all fruit juice and add a cucumber guess what IT WAS GROSS!!!

I am still waiting for that delicious juice!

Until the next juice!

Day 6......

Well finished lunch and "dinner" juice and they where epic gross, I am pretty sure that none of them taste good anymore. Almost half way there I'm pretty excited its one of the hardest things I have ever done (which is kinda sad) I am happy to start joining the doers instead of the talkers club.

Until the next juice!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 6

it is getting a lot easier, I am having my first juice today and it really isn't all that bad, I mean it still doesn't taste good but I am dealing with it better. I have been sleeping way better and last night I was able to get through an entire night shift without feeling like I needed caffeine.
I am really happy with myself so far I didn’t think I would have the willpower to get this far. Everyone has been real supportive and I am sure I will be able to adopt some healthier habits after this ordeal is over. I still enjoy food and always will but there is no reason why I can't some veggies with my meals :-).
Well here is a positive attitude day!

Until the next juice!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 5......

Well while having my 3rd juice, its amazing to think I haven't had anything to eat in 5 days. It is quite amazing actually, I am about to face my first McDonalds temptation (I don't even really like McDonald's) but it sounds good right about worries I got this!

I know I have a lot of people supporting me here's to another "delicious" juice!

Day 5

Well believe it or not it is actually getting easier today!

I had a pretty good juice for breakfast no idea whats in it as it was made by my wife and sister-in-law. On the other hand the lunch one was hands down atrocious!

The hunger is no longer as overwhelming, don't get me wrong it is still there but I don't feels as grouchy and it isn't controlling my life.

I know I can do this now, I had some true doubts the first few days but I can do this! Everyone's encouragement has been a big help and today my wife decided to join me in this adventure and is going to finish the next 10 days with me.

I am 100% in a better mood today and looking forward to accomplishing this!

Until the next juice!